Saturday, January 4, 2014

Childrens Party

I just went to the children's party today. It's the first birthday of the baby of my co-worker. 

I feel awkward and out of place there. I mean, wherever I put my eyes, I always see a Kids running around with their parents. And, I am SINGLE. In every word it means. No boyfriend. No special someone. No nothing! 

Then I will see everyone, taking care of their kids, being lovey dovey with their hubby. Oh my!! 

As if they're silently saying to me: "Hey, it's your time now. I think you need to find a boyfriend."

And I look like, am I really too old now?? I mean, I'm 24 this year and still has no boyfriend.

I really feel like, I need to find one. Anyone who wants to recommend to me? Kidding.